Sunday, January 18, 2009

Current Shoes

At the request of some (I'm sure you realize that this took SO much encouragement), I have posted a slideshow at the bottom of the page that shows all my current shoes. As I retire them, I will post the information about them, but until then you can at least see the pictures. :)


  1. Wow. You have some super cute shoes. And you have TONS of shoes period. :) I can just imagine the outfits that go with some of those. Super cute!

  2. So what is the current count of active shoes??? Seriously some of those shoes KILL ME with how cute they are!!

  3. 68 active shoes(plus a few that are still at Mom and Dad's). I'm a dork. :)

  4. I can't believe you have that many shoes! Wow!


Current Shoe Box

Lissa's Shoe Box © 2008 | Coded by Randomness | Illustration by Wai | Design by betterinpink!